Daily Routine

Morning Drop-Off

Formal supervision begins at 8:20am and continues until the bell at 8:45am. If you arrive before this time and cannot stay with your child until 8:20am then your child must be enrolled into OSHC to attend the Before School Care program.

School commences at 8:45am. The first bell rings at this time. This is the signal for the students to stop playing and to line up in their allocated areas. Teachers collect students from these areas and then move into class. If parents are waiting with their children before this time, please encourage them to join their peers in their play areas. Prep – Year 2: Adventure Playground, and Year 3-6: Oval. 

Afternoon Pick-up

  • Children who are catching a bus will be supervised by a teacher. At the 3pm bell students will wait on the silver seats outside the Year 1 learning space.
  • All students being collected by Parents are to wait in the drive through. Students will be brought to the area outside the office at 3:00pm when the bell rings. 
  • Children being collected by Parents on foot, will be released to parents by teachers on duty. 
  • Parents and carers arriving by vehicle, are to enter the carpark via Longland Street, drive to the designated area - do not get out of your car - your child will be called and assisted to your car. Vehicles then exit the carpark via Longland Street. 
  • Student supervision continues until 3:20pm. If you feel you are unable to collect your child prior to 3:20pm, please ensure you register your child with After-School Care.

Before and After School Care

Before and After School Care is run by the Catholic Early EdCare Centre​ OSHC located on the school site.

For all enquiries for Before, After School and Vacation Care please call 0477 551 066. ​​