Learning at Star of the Sea

​​Star of the Sea Primary School empowers students through contemporary learning approaches, innovative technologies, and flexible learning environments. Our commitment to explicit teaching ensures that students receive clear, timely feedback and opportunities to demonstrate their understanding. By fostering academic self-concept and perseverance, we prepare our students for success in the ever-evolving landscape of education.  ​​​

An Overview:  Our pedagogy – Our beliefs – Our way ​

At Star of the Sea School, the BCE Learning and Teaching Framework and Model of Pedagogy are adapted​ school wide.

  • This supports a common language about pedagogy, and a shared understanding of learning, leading, engaging and teaching with evidence-based expected and effective practices:  
  • High yield strategies (data walls, review and response, and learning walks) and expected and effective practice for teaching literacy and numeracy are used as a whole school approach to lead learning. 
  • Teachers collaborate in a team teaching environment to differentiate learning for all students.  
  • Data is used to inform learning and teaching; supporting precision pedagogy for our students and to identify the impact of learning and teaching practice 
  • We refer to the Australian Curriculum and Brisbane Religious Curriculum to make relevant program choices for our ​students.  
  • As teachers, we make the learning clear through the explicit unpacking of the learning intentions and success criteria in order for students to know what they are learning and why.  
  • Our feedback to students relates to the learning intentions and success criteria and where possible to their own individual goal, as outlined in their learning progression. Learning Progressions are sent home each term to provide feedback to parents on their child’s learning in read​​ing and writing. 
  • Teachers plan, evaluate and assess the whole child looking at various ways to adapt the assessment expectations in order for all students to achieve.  
  • Reporting to parents via parent interviews and report cards occurs twice yearly with samples of student work and other examples used as a body of evidence to support student progress and achievement. ​

For additional information, please refer to the links on the left.