Sport & Physical Education

​At Star of The Sea, students from Prep to Year 6 will have an opportunity to engage in weekly lessons with a Specialist Teacher. Students develop a range of movement skills through the learning of specific fundamental movements, sports and participation in exercise programs. Our school has three colour houses: Barinya, Elandra and Iluka and students participate for their colour house in Swimming, Cross Country, Athletics and Fun Run.

Star of the Sea is in the Met East Region for representative sport and students have the opportunity to trial in any sport for Bayside District teams. Star of the Sea has a close affiliation with other Catholic Schools in the Bayside area.  As a result of this, we participate in Inter-school competitions with them, such as: Swimming carnivals, Athletics carnivals, Cross Country Carnivals and Inter-school sport days.

Students have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of after school clinics to improve and further consolidate skills learnt through the HPE program. Some of the Clinics that we have invited over the years are AFL Auskick, Futsal, Soccer, and Touch Football Queensland.

We are a Sporting Schools School and receive national government funding each term to provide sporting opportunities to children. If you have any questions about sport at SOTS, or if you would like to get a sport up and running, please contact our school office 07 32862377.STAR240529-1391.jpg

Sport Program at Star of the Sea

  • Inter-house Cross Country  ​
  • Athletics Carnival 
  • Inter-house Swimming 
  • Bayside Catholic Inter-School Carnivals: Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country
  • Opportunity to trial in any sport for Bayside District teams (Met East Region)

After School

Opportunities to participate in different sport clinics over the year:

  • AFL Auskick Clinics
  • Futsal Clinics
  • Aussie Hoops Basketball Clinics
  • Touch Football Australia Clinics 

We are part of the Sporting Schools National Funding Program.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Star of the Sea Primary School (2024)